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Found 41223 results for any of the keywords 41 0 91. Time 0.017 seconds.
Medical acupuncture | Benefits | SinomedicaMedical acupuncture is a recognized method for treating numerous acute and chronic diseases, with countless health benefits.
Stress, anxiety and burnout | Acupuncture against anxiety | SinomedicaMedical acupuncture has been recognized by the WHO as an effective treatment therapy to stress, anxiety, depression, panic attack and burnout.
Integrated Oncology | Acupuncture as integrative treatment |SinomedicaAcupuncture is recognized as a valuable approach to support conventional cancer treatments, the side effects of which it reduces.
Pain | Acupuncture to treat pain | SinomedicaAcute or chronic pain can become disabling and damage an individual's quality of life. Find out how to combat it through acupuncture
Weight loss | Acupuncture and diet to lose weight | SinomedicaLosing weight is a difficult but very important goal. Acupuncture combined with a diet will help you achieve it, find out how
Leading medical acupuncture Group in Switzerland | SinomedicaLeading healthcare company and one of the most important medical acupuncture practitioners in Europe: learn about Sinomedica
Work with us | SinomedicaSinomedica is a dynamic and constantly developing company with a unique administrative structure and operating mode in Switzerland: work with us
Medical acupuncture | Sinomedica | BlogAcupuncture still raises many doubts: how it works, what it is used for, who it is useful for: all explained by Sinomedica experts in our blog.
Diet and cooking tips | Acupuncture to lose weight | SinomedicaCombining a low-carb diet with weekly sessions of medical acupuncture maximizes the diet's results and maintains them over time. Find out how.
Cooking TipsPer offrire delle idee ai pazienti che seguono la dieta Sinomedica, abbiamo ideato alcune ricette semplici secondo i consigli del Dr. Massimo Fumagalli, fondatore di Sinomedica, a base di verdure assortite, pesce e carne
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